Sunday, May 01, 2005

Being Famous On TV

Once again the Wench Mum has thrown a fit; this time however she has gone so far that she has injured herself. The Wench Mum, who is no taller than 5ft, began to punch the walls after I altered our plan to go shopping today, and now her knuckles are looking as if she has gone thru several rounds in an underground boxing match. If I didn't stop her I am sure that there would have been sirens and police involvement.

I fail to understand how a mother of two normal children can degenerate to the same level as your average 3 year old. I can deal with her eccentricity, but the violence? No way. How on earth did she get this way? I just pray every day that this trait is not hereditary, and that it was the environment in which she was raised that makes her this way, coz I really don't want any of my family members being handcuffed and taken away while being filmed by the crew of COPS.

Can someone remove her genes from me?
Hmm, you fad a tough day.
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