Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tax Exemption And The Wench Mum

I always only associated tax exemption with married couples, single mothers, and people with low income. I had completely forgotten about supporting crazy old ladies!

This year, in March, the Wench Mum turns 61 years old, and she is RETIRING!! And guess who (on paper) will be looking after the little old dear, to support her medical bills, and pension contributions. Me.

Yes, as of March this year, without having to be on low income or having to get hitched (giving birth in 3 months is impossible, so I will exclude the last possibility) I can have my income tax reduced because I have a DEPENDANT!!


I can proudly say that I look after a 61 year old biddy who lives in the projects, and has almost no income. While she is on paper a board member of my brother's company with a cash "income" so I don't really need to support her financially.

Christ, our "family" is so tight! We all look out for each other, huh? But my only concern is that *if* my mother's crazy antics are just an indication of alzheimer's disease, I technically have to look after her... hmm. Is this wise? Nah, she never had her marbles to LOSE them in the first place! She has always been a bit not with it...

Can someone remove her genes from me?

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