Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Dinner And The "Lizard Girl"

Christmas dinner with the Wench Mum and my brother at a restaurant of my choice this year went well, I suppose. The WM was giddy on the free champagne that came with the set, and was on full form with her totally off the tangent comments.

My brother, BwanaK, has a new girl friend, whose name sounds like "Lizard" according to the Wench Mum. (say no more...) She has never pronounced the girl's name correctly, and even when she is searching in her memory banks for the poor girl's name we get a mere, "How's your new girl friend doing? What's her name... um. Little Lizard?"

My poor brother was smiling, but I could see a little twich in the corner of his smile. Even he does not have the patience to listen to the Wench Mum call his woman "lizard".

The icing on the cake of the evening was when the Wench Mum made a passing comment:"I hope she's not like a real lizard. They regenerate when you cut off their tail you know?"

MUM!! Kaoru's girlfriend is not like Terminator 2!!!! She is not going to regenerate and come back to stalk my brother if you chop off her arms, or legs! You crazy old woman, just go and sip your free champagne, and stop tauning your son!!!

Can someone remove her genes from me?

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